Excellence in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Education

Harmonic Technique 2 days programme

Tutor: Dr. Eyal Lederman DO PhD



Proposed daily programme


30% theoretical 70% practical




Both days:


9.00 – 10.15: introduction and lecture

10.15 – 11.00: Practical

11.00 – 11.15 Tea break

11.15 – 13.00 Practical

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch break

14.00 – 15.15 Lecture

15.15 – 15.30 Tea break

15.30 – 17.00 Practical


Day 1


Theoretical session:


  • Introduction to Harmonic Tech
  • Physics of Harmonic motion
  • Biomechanics of harmonic motions
  • Spring and pendulum systems in body
  • Six degrees of freedom – identifying oscillatory pattern in body masses
  • Harmonic technique assisting repair – examining the effect of passive motion on repair in connective tissue, muscle and joints.
  • Clinical examples:
  • Frozen shoulder – examining the pathophysiology of the condition and how to use harmonic technique to treat it


Practical session


  • Identifying resonant frequencies in body masses
  • Principle of Harmonic Movement, Pump and Stretch techniques
  • Harmonic technique for:
    • Lumber spine structures (prone techniques)
    • lumber spine structures (side-laying techniques)
    • Glenohumeral and hip joints


Day 2


Theoretical session


  • Harmonic technique assisting fluid flow
  • Harmonic technique and pain alleviation desensitisation
  • Clinical examples:
    • Acute disc – examining the pathophysiology of the condition and how to use harmonic technique to treat it


Practical session


  • Harmonic technique for:
    • LS area
    • Thoracic spine and ribs
    • Elbow and wrist
    • Hip
    • Knee
ABOUT the technique and the tutor


Harmonic technique is a development of Still’s osteopathic oscillatory techniques. In the last 30 years, Prof. Eyal Lederman researched this group of techniques, expanded the technique repertoire and highlighted their therapeutic value. Harmonic Technique has international recognition and has been taught in 23 countries. This approach has been integrated in several manual therapy and osteopathic education programmes. Harmonic Technique is a three-dimensional mobilisation of soft-tissues and joints. It is a rhythmic, hands-on approach in which the practitioner tunes to the individual’s natural body rhythms (resonant frequencies) emulating and amplifying these patterns. Harmonic Techniques can be applied therapeutically to different joints and tissues to aid different recovery processes. Research over the last four decades demonstrates that passive movement, such as used during Harmonic Technique, has an important role in facilitating tissue repair and adaptation after injury and surgery as well as reducing pain and stiffness in various musculoskeletal conditions. The workshop has a large practical component (75%) in which participants will be shown specific Harmonic Techniques that can be applied to different areas and joints in the body.


Prof. Eyal Lederman graduated from the British School of Osteopathy and has been in practice since 1986. He is the director of CPDO, an international centre providing continuing professional development for manual and physical therapists. Prof. Lederman completed his PhD at King’s College, London, where he researched the neurophysiology of osteopathic techniques. He also researched and developed Osteopathic Harmonic Technique, Osteopathic Functional Neuromuscular Rehabilitation and Osteopathic Functional Stretching. He is an Honorary Associate Professor at University College London (UCL), Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science UCL where he is involved in teaching and research into functional movement rehabilitation. He has also been a visiting professor at Unitec, NZ.
Apart from these activities, Prof. Lederman regularly teaches osteopathy and manual therapy to various groups and universities in the UK and abroad. He has published several articles in the area of manual and physical therapy and is the author of the books ‘Harmonic Technique, Fundamentals of Manual Therapy’, ‘The Science and Practice of Manual Therapy’, ‘Neuromuscular Rehabilitation in Manual and Physical Therapy’ and ‘Therapeutic Stretching: Towards a Functional Approach’. His latest book ‘Functional Exercise Prescription: Supporting rehabilitation in Movement and Sport was published in 2022